PFA Updates
An Evening of Clue
Jul 29, 2019
A couple of weeks ago, my family and some friends enjoyed a summer evening together for gourmet food, wine and fun. For many years, Sonya and her "posse" attend the Goodwill Taste of Vintage fundraiser in November. One of the oral auction items is an eventful evening at a historic mansion in Akron, hosted by Goodwill executives. Sonya got aggressive with her auction paddle at Taste of Vintage this past year and was the highest bidder - winning a memorable evening while supporting a wonderful charity. She and our kids determined the theme would be the board game Clue to add another twist to the gathering. As you can see from the picture, Professor Plum, Mr. Green, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. White, Colonel Mustard and Mrs. Peacock were all present...I personally think Colonel Mustard and the gorgeous Mrs. Peacock on the left were costume winners. A fun night together, hosted by an awesome group of Goodwill Akron Executives. And just in case you were wondering, it was Colonel Mustard, with the wrench, in the Conservatory. Have a good week.
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